DoomBound 1

Back when Starcraft custom mapping was a thing there was a popular game type called "Bounding" that involved guiding small units through timed patterns of exploding obstacles. Think part puzzle-game, part rhythm game:

I had the terrible idea to try and create timed exploding obstacles in Doom (specifically, in boom-compatibility):

I cobbled together some dehacked, wrote very elaborate lua scripts to generate the explosion mechanics, and had a decent prototype going. It might be the most complicated voodoo-doll mechanics ever used in a map? Don't quote me on that.

Gradually my enthusiasm for the idea wore off. The explosions can feel pretty janky, and I imagined that very few people would actually be interested to play something like this (especially if I started making very challenging obstacles). Instead of having it rot on my harddrive though I figured I might as well post the tech demo: doombound01.wad (tested in prb+ complevel 9)

Some things to note:

- Each difficulty setting has different explosion patterns

- UV requires SR50


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  1. me, my dumb ass brain when I download the wad: Wow this should be easy.
    Me when I get to the 2nd patter:confused screaming

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